1063 E. San Carlos Ave, San Carlos, CA [ map ]
Saturdays 12 – 2pm
Closed on holiday weekends

Equipment is checked out on a first come, first-served basis. Visit our warehouse or browse our available equipment.

AbleCloset provides loans of specialized pediatric equipment to families with kids with special needs to care for their child. These loans can help families and therapists try out various pieces of equipment to see what works best before ordering the child’s own. The loans can provide equipment to use while families are waiting for their equipment to be funded and provided.

AbleCloset is an all volunteer organization, dedicated to providing equipment at no cost to children with special needs . You can support us by volunteering, donating equipment in good condition or with a cash donation.

Help AbleCloset continue to provide this invaluable service by donating today.


AbleCloset’s Warehouse is open this Saturday rain or shine!
Warehouse is open 12pm to 2pm on Saturdays.